Friday, March 30, 2012

Mids East 2012

The next stop on the regatta circuit in Florida was the Mids East regatta for Lasers , Clearwater Sailing Centre, February 23-26 , with training for 4 days prior.

We had a good group of 10 sailors come for the Championship.
Becky Power, Ellie Shaw, Natalia Montemayor, , Alex Fritz, Graham Harney , Alex Kroitzch, (Radial)
Kyle Martin, Ricardo Montemayor, Dominic Fritz (Laser)
and Jake Cullen (4.7)

Kyle , Ricardo and Alex H spent time prior to the team coming to train in Clearwater and the results were very fruitful .

We had two condo's rented and everyone got along well cooking at home and living together for the week. Thanks to Diana Shaw for chaperoning the biggest group.

The weather cooperated and we had good sailing all the days , with heavy winds for most of the regatta , needless to say very good bang for the buck for the group traveling a long way for some good competition . A highlight finish was Ricardo winning a race against some of NA's best laser sailors and finishing the regatta 7th overall.

All the team (this group was more of our developing sailors ) gained real good heavy weather experience against top North American sailors.

Results are at

Thanks Clearwater Sailing Centre for all your hospitality! We'll be back next year.


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